Please Note:
Trip Cancellation / Interruption Insurance Available
All arrivals on Arrival Day After 4:00 PM
Authorized person 26 years and above to check-in.
Check out time is 10:00 AM. A ½ day rate is chargeable if guest(s) checks out between 12:00 Noon and 4:00 PM. A full day’s rate is chargeable if guest(s) checks out after 4:00PM on scheduled check out day.
Guest(s) are responsible for all rental charges and must settle bill before departure.
A maximum of 8 persons are allowed to stay overnight in this rental property.
Property Management will not be held responsible for any loss of valuables, money, or personal effects of guest (renter).
Property Management shall not be held responsible for any injury or accident sustained by guest (renter) during their stay.
No pets allowed
This is a nonsmoking Home- $Smoking inside can result in a penalty of $400. From your security.
NO PROMS, High School or mixed group rentals permitted
Credit Card is accepted for payment. 4% will be added.
Property Management is not responsible for any personal possessions lost and or stolen, from the house. Management or owner of the home is not responsible for any injury within the property, nor for injury sustained while swimming at the beach, activities around the lake etc.
The property will be checked for damages. Should items on the property be lost or damaged. Payment will charged to guest for item replacement or cost of repair.
Remove all bed linens, comforters and coverings from all beds.
Remove all waste materials from all garbage cans and place in proper garbage receptacles outside.
Clean and store all dishes, utensils, etc. (Not necessary to empty the dishwasher but please be sure to run it before leaving.)
Floors must be a decent condition. Broom Clean, we expect sand. Extensive cleaning needed by property management may require additional charges.
Vacate premises leaving it in a neat and tidy condition.
Confirm that beach badges are to the appropriate holders or a charge of $110 for replacement will be taken from security.
USE and OCCUPANCY AGREEMENT will only be in one person’s name. Authorized signer must be 26 years and over and have a major credit card. All family members will need to be listed on the home rental manifest. It is ok to have guests that stay overnight, we just need to be sure that the home is not overcrowded per the Point Pleasant Beach Occupancy agreement. Please Note: “Sharing” is ok but must be disclosed at the time the reservations are confirmed. More than 1 family listed will be considered two families – Only one payment can be collected from one person.
Cancellations must be in writing and are subject to the terms of the Short Term Use and Occupancy Lease.
A 10% fee will be withheld on all refunds/deposits prior to March 1. No refunds will be provided for cancellations made after March 1st for Summer and Fall rentals.
We do not provide Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, nor are we affiliated with any such providers. Should you wish to consider obtaining such coverage, the website for one such provider is Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection is just one of many to consider. Neither this insurer, nor any other insurer, is recommended or endorsed, or have been vetted, by us. You assume full responsibility for any provider you may select.
Please inquire about anything by contacting:
*Pricing is subject to change until agreement is signed.
* $250 will be deducted from your security deposit for our cleaning crew- The crew will vacuum, clean bathrooms and kitchen, do sweep and was floors etc.
Your only requirement as “renter” is to leave the home broom clean, take garbage out, restore dishes pots and pans, and take recycling out.
Click here to see Rental Rules & Regulations
Please call for more information 1 (973) 390-1181 or e-mail us today.
Property Owner and Manager:
Denise Lipman
We look forward to your stay.